Hello Yoga Teacher Training

Become a Certified Yoga Teacher
Join our next 200 Hour, Yoga Alliance Approved
Teacher Training Program
Starting August 23rd
Optional Mentorship program after graduation
Opportunity to Teach Classes in an intership program at the Studio after Completing Training
Take the first step towards becoming a certified yoga teacher and deepen your practice with us.
Get ready to dive into an exhilarating training adventure rooted in the Krishnamacharya lineage, infused with the lively influences of Iyengar and Ashtanga traditions! You'll gain the skills to teach Hatha and Vinyasa classes for all levels, with Tadasana as your essential reference point This dynamic approach focuses on energizing actions that enhance optimal alignment, moving beyond just visual. Hello Yoga's embraces a fun, non-dogmatic philosophy, empowering instructors with a variety of tools to create unique classes and personalize breath guidance, ensuring the perfect atmosphere for every student!
Throughout our Certified 200 Hour Training, you will deepen your practice, form new friendships, embrace leadership roles, and foster personal growth. You will acquire the skills to lead professional yoga classes utilizing innovative techniques, cultivating community connections, and engaging in personal reflection.
Key topics include creating your own classes with tips and guidance, effective teaching methods, anatomy, Ayurveda, and the philosophy of yoga, all while developing your unique teaching style.
Vinyasa Style of Classes Taught in 200 Hour Training
Yoga Flow, active paced class with one Breath per Movement
Slow Flow, medium paced class with time for cues
Gentle Flow, very slow paced class with gentle movement
What we teach and How We Teach Teachers at Hello Yoga
Learn aboutStress and the Relaxation Response
Principles of Teaching
Key Concepts
Optimal Alignment
Path of Least Resistance
Human Variation
Best Practices
Stability & Mobility
See the Whole Person/
How to See Your Students
Holding Space for others
Classroom Elements
Creating A Class Experience
Music Playlist Brainstorm
Demonstrations Tips & Techniques
Qualities of a Teacher
Your Teaching Mission
Professional Development
Starting Out
The Professional Yogi
Vision & Goals
Develope a final Final Sequence with your teachers
Reviews & Quizes
Recommended Reading
Practice Teaching Worksheet
Principles of Sequencing
Key Concepts & Best Practices of Sequencing
Vinyasa and Transitions
How To Create Safe & Stable Transitions
Building A Vinyasa Class: Threads
Peak Pose Sequencing
Component Part Key
Class Structure
Sequence Assignments
Working 1 on 1 with sequencing expert to brainstorm ideas
various styles of yoga
Modifications for poses
How To Plan Your Class Sequence
Teaching Parts of Class
Guidelines for Teaching Arrival
Guidelines for Teaching Activation
Guidelines for Teaching Peak
Guidelines for Teaching Integration
Sequencing Standing Poses
Introduction to Prenatal Yoga
Circulatory System during pregnancy
Physical Changes during pregnancy
Communication, best practices for pregnant practictioners
Principles of Cueing
How to Cue A Verbal Assist
Key Concepts
General Form
Direct Language
Indirect Language
Trauma Aware Language
Simple and Paired
Balanced Action
Universal Paired Actions
Linking Language
Synonymous Cue
Root Rebound Cue
Stabilizing Cue
Introduction to Cueing
Direct Language
Indirect Language
Four Steps of Cuing
Tips for Cueing Universal Paired
Cuing Transitions
Creating Stabilizing Cues
Cuing Root Rebound
How To Cue Root Rebound
Root-Rebound Brainstorm
Cueing the Breath
Samples of Sequences
to learn from and following
Plus Create Your Own Sequences with tips from your teachers
Physiology of the Breath and Movement
Physiology of the Breath
Mechanics of the Breath
Benefits of Breathing
Yoga and Breathing
Neutral Standing Poses, Externally Rotated Standing Poses, Active Hip Openers, Hand Balances, Twists, Simple Backbends, Deeper Backbends, Active Inversions, Cooling Inversions, Seated Poses, Reclined Poses, Restorative PosesLearn to teach Surya Namaskar A
Learn about
How to Teach Pranayama
Ujjayi Pranayama
Viloma I Pranayama
Viloma II Pranayama
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
Parts of the Breath
Kriya Techniques
Jala Neti
Introduction to Integral AnatomyLanguage of AnatomyHuman VariationAnatomical PositionThe Three Planes Of MovementUsing Anatomical Language
Introduction to Ayurveda
What is a Dosha?
Your ConstitutionTastes
Helpful Practices
Seasons and Time
Models of the Human Experience
Activity: Create a Class to Support a Doshic ImbalanceActivity:
Create a Class to Support a Chakra Imbalance
Introduction To The Chakras
Subtle Body
Learn about the Anatomy of the
Bones & Joints
Connective Tissue
Muscle Tissue
Muscle Cells
Skeletal Muscles
Nervous System and Proprioception
Foot & Ankle
Arm & Hand
Nervous System
Peripheral Nervous System
Respiratory System
Digestive System
Urinary System
Reproductive System
Endocrine System
Circulatory System
Cardiovascular System
Lymphatic System
Introduction to Injuries
Acute vs. Chronic Pain
Spinal Issues
Connective Tissue Issues
Muscle Strain
Circulatory & Fluid Issues
Common Yoga Injuries
Key Concepts of Meditation
Holding space for others
Mudra Meditation
Open Awareness Meditation
Object Based Meditation
Definition of Meditation
Historical Context
Styles of Meditation
Object Based Meditation
Open Awareness Meditation
How to Teach Meditation
Guided Vs. Unguided Meditation
Meditation Partner Feedback
Create A Meditation
Definition of Pranayama
Historical Context
The Subtle Body and Pranayama
The Three Primary Nadis
PranaYama | Ayama
Learn about the Vayus
Learn about the Koshas
Annamaya Kosha (Food Sheath)
Pranamaya Kosha
(Energy Sheath)
Manomaya Kosha (Lower Mind Sheath)
Vijnanamaya Kosha (Higher Mind Sheath)
Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss Sheath)
History & Philosophy
History of Yoga
Becoming Part of The Tradition
Ages of Yoga
Indus Valley Civilization
Vedic Age
Upanishad Age
Epic Story Age (
Viewpoint Age
Styles of Yoga
Tantric Age
Hatha Age
Modern Age
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra
Historical Context
Structure of The Yoga Sutra
Key Sutras
Sutra discussion & presentation by Philosophy Expert, Juris
The Role of the Yoga TeacherRelationships and BoundariesScope of Practice
Equity in Yoga
Asana Section………………………………………………………………………………….….

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Onine and In Person Training
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